Describe the role of ecology in environmental management
Nowadays, environmental protection, the restoration of natural resources, industrial waste utilization, and ecological disaster prevention are priority issues around the world. Prognoz Business Intelligence systems provide comprehensive assessment of natural and mineral resources and the overall ecological situation and help government authorities to forecast trends and investments to the environmental protection sector.
Our business analytics solutions enable you to:
Create a unified statistical data warehouse broken down by industries and different aspects of ecological and environmental management, including the capability for online notifications about emergency conditions
Provide information support for developing public policies and regulations on ecological and environmental management and encouraging international cooperation
Analyze indicators of water and air pollution
Evaluate mineral reserves, the scope of geological exploration and prospecting, and funding dynamics in different slices
Monitor tenders on subsoil use
Monitor indicators related to animals and plants of the Red Data Book
Analyze activities related to the collection, utilization, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste
Forecast emergency condition trends and prevention measures
Automate the immediate notification of responsible persons about emergency conditions, assess the impact of the emergency, and define recovery measures
Monitor and analyze the efficiency of budget expenditures for ecological and environmental management and environmental protection
Hope it helps you.. .
Have a sweet night.. .
Nowadays, environmental protection, the restoration of natural resources, industrial waste utilization, and ecological disaster prevention are priority issues around the world. ... Analyze activities related to the collection, utilization, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste.