Describe the role of scientist to support the conflict between the theory of biogenesis and abiogenesis
Biogenesis is the fundamental process of living things produced by other living things. Example: a spider lays eggs out of which more spiders will come out.
Biogenesis is that principle according to which life only originates from a preexisting life (which has existed before). All organisms come from organisms of the same type and never from inorganic matter. If life ever originated from inorganic matter, it had to appear in the form of an organized cell, since scientific research has established the cell as the simplest and smallest unit of independent life.
This theory runs counter to the theory of spontaneous generation:
"The spontaneous generation is a chimera" (Louis Pasteur), the phrase in French refers more to its fanciful character).The empirical results of Pasteur (and others) are summarized in the phrase, Omne vivum ex vivo (or Omne vivum ex ovo, in Latin "" All life comes out of life "). Also known as the "law of biogenesis". They demonstrated that life does not originate spontaneously from non-living things present in the environment.
Some of the concepts present in biogenesis are:
Evolution, Mutation, Genetic Code, Metabolism, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Carbon Cycle, Oxygen Cycle, Limiting Factor