Describe the role of teachers in physical and moral development of child
Hence, a teacher is the stair of a student that helps to climb a path towards better mind.
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Morals are caught, not taught. They take shape not through precept, but rather through the uncountable ordinary and informal contacts we have with other people. No single event or deed "causes" us to become patient or impatient, or attentive or inattentive to others. We cannot say, "John became a patient person last Tuesday morning," although that may have been the first occasion when we recognized that virtue in him. Rather, these dispositions emerge unevenly, if they do so at all - through fits and starts, as we act in environments such as the home, the school, the community, (Chein, 1972). Moreover, the process can work both ways. Over time, a patient person can lose that virtue and become impatient. Regardless of which way the process goes, however, the point is that it cannot be forced. It cannot be preset according to a timetable or schedule. Character and personal disposition materialize over time. They take form through potentially any contacts an individual has with other people.
This familiar viewpoint serves as my point of departure in the present article. My central premise will be that everyday classroom life is saturated with moral meaning. In particular, I will show how even the most routine aspects of teaching convey moral messages to students. I will suggest that those messages may have as important an impact on them as the formal curriculum itself (Chein, 1972). The latter includes moral education curricula centered upon values clarification, moral reasoning, democratic deliberation, and the like. These curricular endeavors can benefit students, and, by extension, the larger society. However, I will suggest that it is crucial to heed from a moral point of view what takes place in the routine affairs of the school and classroom. Those affairs can strongly influence students' character and personal disposition. It should be focused in particular on how teachers, through their everyday conduct and practice, can create environments in which students can "catch" positive ways of regarding and treating other people and their efforts.