Describe the role of value education through carriculam and co- carriculam activities
A restriction on participation for students is required as it will check the overloading nature of organizing any co-curricular activity. However, the students having same abilities, interests, attitudes, aptitudes should participate in large number.
As it is desired and expected that the maximum possible number of students shall participate in each co-curricular activity and each activity should be open for all. It doesn’t mean that there should be non-consideration for reasonable standards of achievement or for eligibility to take part in it. In order to ensure a great deal of all round development in children it is essential on their part to participate both in curricular and co-curricular activities.
Hence before the commencement of an academic session it is essential on the part of the educational institution to make a deliberate planning on the organisation of both curricular and co-curricular activities. This results in proper management of every educational programme that tends to make any educational programme grand success.
Need of Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities:
Both curricular and co-curricular activities or progrmmes are responsible for satisfying management of an educational institution. So it is essential to know the need of these two types of activities.
These are given below:
1. Organisation of curricular activities enables students to be active in the classroom and the organisation of co-curricular activities brings sound health and proper physical fitness among the students through organizing games and sports.
2. Proper organisation of curricular activities develops study habits among the students. And the co-curricular activities develop literary talents of the students.
3. Organisation of curricular activities provide both theoretical and practical knowledge to students in their taught subject matters and co-curricular activities provide scope to apply the obtained knowledge in different situations.
4. Proper organisation of curricular activities enable the students to have their academic brilliance by acquiring mastery over their subjects of study. And co-curricular activities provide ample scope for the students for social adjustment through different social activities.
5. Organisation of curricular activities give a sound theoretical knowledge and understanding about useful, responsible and democratic citizenship to the students in the classroom situation. This becomes possible through academic treatment of civics and politics.
For practising the spirit of this type of citizenship among the students, co-curricular activities are to be organised through formation of student unions, student councils etc. in the educational institution. The cause behind it is to train the students practically how to develop responsible democratic citizenship.