describe the setting of the story...old man at the bridge
The story “Old Man at the Bridge” by Earnest Hemingway is set in the backdrop of Spanish Civil War in 1938. It starts with the description of an old man who was sitting at a bridge. It was a war-like situation as the Fascists forces were advancing towards Ebro. Our narrator, a news reporter, was in the charge to cross a pontoon bridge to check the advancement of the enemy forces. He saw that an old man with steel rimmed spectacles and dusty clothes was sitting beside the road at the bridge while carts, trucks and people were crossing the bridge to get to a safe distance from the enemies. The old man looked too tired to walk any further.
Seeing the old man sitting there for a long time, the speaker went to him and asked him where he came from. The old man answered that he was coming from San Carlos, his native town, twelve kilometers away from there. The man smiled as it was a pleasure to him to mention his native land.
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Setting of place of the short story is at pontoon bridge across the Ebro river. The bridge is a symbol which has two sides, that is, war and peace or death and life. One side is the old man, who walked twelve kilometres from his hometown San Carlos and he said that he can not go any further.
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