English, asked by mercynagaraju, 11 months ago

) Describe the six humans trapped by happenstance Their logs held tight in death's still hands Was proof of human skin. They did not die from the cold without They died from the cold within. (a) Describe the six humans trapped by happenstance? penstance? from the cold within


Answered by Rampage777

The six humans have been traped by chance, each one possesses a stick of wood, but they don't put the log in the dying fire(WRITE THE PEOPES SELFISH AND THEIR RASISTS) (the second line refers that they were all selfish and racists) they did not die die from cold but they died from the cold hearted.


Answered by shabapj24


 the first one was a white woman. She noticed that among the faces round the fire one was black. She represents the typical racist attitude of some white people towards the black.

The next man looked around and saw that one man was of different path in terms of religious faith. So it was a bad idea to help him with his log. That is why he decided not to give the fire his stick of birch. This person is a bigot — intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

The third man ‘sat in tattered clothes’. His coat was old and torn and insufficient to protect him from the cold. So he gave his coat a hitch. He was obviously a poor man, understandably devoid of social recognition. He is a representative of the poor people who consider themselves to be the victims of social injustice and therefore hold ill-feelings towards the rich. According to him, the rich are idle and he should not use his log to warm such an idle fellow. He shares most poor people’s view that rich men have no work to do and they don’t deserve to be rich.

Next to the poor was the rich man. He ‘sat back and thought of the wealth he had in store’. He was concerned about protecting his hard-earned money from the ‘lazy shiftless poor’. So we see, being on the opposite social classes, the poor and the rich, both are prejudiced against one another. To one’s eye the other is lazy and idle. Most rich men feel that poor are poor because they are lazy and ignoring work. However, it was obvious that the rich man won’t share ‘what he had earned’ with the poor.

Now comes the black man. His face was speaking of his desire to take revenge against the white people who treat them so badly. He found that not sharing his log was his only chance to offend the white. So he was not ready to leave it so easily. It represents the obstinate and dogged sense of revenge of a black man who suffers much in the hands of the white.

The last man of this ‘forlorn group‘ was a man who did nothing except for gain. Actually he was quite different from the previous five, as he did not hold any prejudice against anyone. He was just a kind of a selfish and opportunistic man. He found that by sharing his log with other people present there he won’t get anything in return. So he decided to stay away from the ‘game’.

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