Chemistry, asked by vermakavya1921, 1 year ago

Describe the soil profile or physical chemical characteries of soil?


Answered by aditya545
see soil is a mixture od all different tyoes of salts which may or may nkt be useful for some organism but every thi g which is living today one day has to take nutrition from the soil.Even plants and algae which are the promary producer of food meed monerals which they get from soils.
Soil can be acidic or basic in nature our plant will die if our soil will eb acidoc as we can see jn acid rain, and if our aoil become roo mich basic in nature then also our plants will not able to grow so a balance must be there.
There is a tupe of soil known as sterilize soil that means-to destroy microorganisms in or on, usually by bringing to a high temperature with steam, dry heat, or boiling liquid.

I hope you got ur answer if not contact me and please dont forget to give me thank you and follow me too fr future help!!!!
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