Describe the steps followed in tissue culture
The process of micropropagation can be divided into four stages:
Initiation stage. A piece of plant tissue (called an explant) is (a) cut from the plant, (b) disinfested (removal of surface contaminants), and (c) placed on a medium. A medium typically contains mineral salts, sucrose, and a solidifying agent such as agar. The objective of this stage is to achieve an aseptic culture. An aseptic culture is one without contaminating bacteria or fungi.
Multiplication stage. A growing explant can be induced to produce vegetative shoots by including a cytokinin in the medium. A cytokinin is a plant growth regulator that promotes shoot formation from growing plant cells.
Rooting or preplant stage. Growing shoots can be induced to produce adventitious roots by including an auxin in the medium. Auxins are plant growth regulators that promote root formation. For easily rooted plants, an auxin is usually not necessary and many commercial labs will skip this step.
Acclimatization. A growing, rooted shoot can be removed from tissue culture and placed in soil. When this is done, the humidity must be gradually reduced over time because tissue-cultured plants are extremely susceptible to wilting.