Science, asked by priyabujji4699, 1 year ago

Describe the structure and role of stomatal apparatus?


Answered by bhardwajansh2006


Stomata are small pores present in the epidermis of leaves. They regulate the process of transpiration and gaseous exchange. The stomatal pore is enclosed between two bean-shaped guard cells. ... The pores, the guard cells, and the subsidiary cells together constitute the stomatal apparatus.


I hope it's help you

Answered by Anonymous


(1) Stomata are minute openings mainly located in the epidermal surfaces of young stem and leaves.

(2) It is composed of two guard cells and accessory cells which form the opening stomatal pore for transpiration.

(3) Guard cells are kidney shaped in dicot plants and dúmbèll shaped in grasses.

(4) Guard cells have unevenly thickened wall,inner wall thick, inelastic while outer wall is thin and elastic.

(5) Guard cells are nucleated cells with few chloroplasts and hence can perform photosynthesis.

(6) Accessory cells are specialized cells that Surround the guard cells and are reservoirs of K^+ ions.

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