Describe the structure of the human eye elaborate in the function of each part
it is the answer i hope it will help you
main main parts of eyes
1. cornea it is a thin membrane which covers the transparent bulge on the surface of eyes and cause most of refraction for light rays entering the eye
2. iris is the dark muscular assembly behind the cornea and it control the size of pupil
3. pupil is the small circular aperture whose size is controlled by iris
4.ciliary muscles hold the eye lens in position it control the focal length of eye lens
5.eyelens is the convex lens made up of a transparents soft of flexible materials like jelly made of protein
6.retina a light sensitive screen on which image is formed by eyelens called retina retina contain very cell in the shape of rod and cone
7. optic nerve is formed by nerve fibre coming from retina its and the electric signal to the brain