English, asked by souravrana1109, 6 months ago

Describe the term ' scrounging for gold" with reference to lost spring? OR Why was Franz Surprised when he entered the class ?​


Answered by haione


  • Answer:The usual hustle and bustle of the morning hours could not be seen on the day of the last lesson. It was all very still and quiet as it used to be on a Sunday morning. The din of opening and closing of desks and the rapping of the teacher’s ruler on the table could not be heard. The students had already taken their places and even the village elders had gathered there.
  • Franz realised that M. Hamel was not his usual cranky self and said nothing to him even though he was late for the class. Moreover their teacher was wearing his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and the little black silk cap, all embroidered, that he wore only on special days in school.
  • The thing that surprised Franz the most when he entered the classroom was to see the village people sitting as quietly as the students on the back benches of the class that were always empty. This included old Hauser, the former mayor, the former postmaster and several others.


  • For more than 10,000 rag-pickers of Seemapuri garbage is gold wrapped in wonder. The author said so because for a child, it is the source of bread. A source that can sometimes even get a ragpicker a silver coin or more in a heap of garbage. However for the elders it is a means of survival.
  • scrounging means searching for gold (something valuable) Ragpickers in lost spring earn their livelihood by ragpicking .They often get valuable thing such as coin even 10rupee note which was gold for them.

Happy to help you..... thankyou bro.....god bless you.....

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