Social Sciences, asked by yaswanthi3655, 1 year ago

Describe the three challenges to data mining regarding data mining methodology


Answered by saikiran7718
)Mining diferent kinds oF knowledge in databases: DiFerentusers are interested in diFerent kinds of knowledge and willrequire a wide range of data analysis and knowledge discoverytasks such as data characterization, discrimination, association,classi±cation, clustering, trend and deviation analysis, andsimilarity analysis. Each of these tasks will use the same databasein diFerent ways and will require diFerent data mining techniques.2)Interactive mining oF knowledge at multiple levels oFabstraction: Interactive mining, with the use of OLAP operationson a data cube, allows users to focus the search for patterns,providing and re±ning data mining requests based on returnedresults. The user can then interactively view the data and discoverpatterns at multiple granularities and from diFerent angles.3)IncorporationoFbackgroundknowledge:Backgroundknowledge, or information regarding the domain under study suchas integrity constraints and deduction rules, may be used to guidethe discovery process and allow discovered patterns to beexpressed in concise terms and at diFerent levels of abstraction.This helps to focus and speed up a data mining process or judgethe interestingness of discovered patterns.Q9.What are the major challenges of mining a huge amount of data(e.g., billions of tuples) in comparison with mining a small amountof data (e.g., data set of a few hundred tuple)?-7-
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