Describe the various forms and causes of regionalism in india
Expressing from sociological view:
The universal function of religion is the interpretation and control of man's relation to the forces of his physical and social environment. These in turn are thought to be under the control of some supernatural powers. It is evident that in order to interpret man's relations to these there must be some intellectual comprehension of their own nature. Consequently all religions are built upon the knowledge of the forces of the environment and whatever the founder and leaders have contributed to that specific amount of knowledge. From this point of view it is evident that religion results from the intellectual powers of man. For effective functioning of the religion, as well as other forms of man's experience, becomes institutionalised. Ritual, ceremony, prayer, sacrifices, authority of priests develop to control thought and behaviour.
There are various forms and causes of religionism (some explained above, for deep interaction see below.):
Religion occurs through social control:
The control of the individual and social behaviour through intellectual powers depend upon habits, attitudes, and information. All these depends upon institutions in the social environment by which the mind of each individual I see trained for that uniformity of behaviour which is objective of social control. The types or various forms of institutions, religions or otherwise, vary from time to time and from culture to culture. In like manner, the methods of exerting social control which become a part of the institutions differ. All depend more or less upon the amount and accuracy of the prevailing knowledge and information.
Among proliferate groups of people the limited amount accurate knowledge of the forces of nature and of social relations resulted in the acceptance of explanation which now considered superstition. The priest was usually consulted before any activities were actually begun on formal grounds in connection with hunting, war, marriage, or other economic or political endeavours.
Authority of a specific religion:
The extent to which religion controls the behaviour of men depends upon the degree to which it's adherents accept its teachings as authoritative and valid explanations of desired behaviour or trait of a man. When no other explanations of desirable behaviour in relation to the forces of environment, or of the forces themselves, are available except those of the religious institutions behaviour is apparently closely under the control of the wider religion.