Describe the various types of edible roots which you have studied.
Answer: Carrot, Turnips, Ginger, lotus roots, Beetroot, etc are the various edible roots.
Root is a part of the plant that occurs on the surface of the soil. Most of the root vegetables are eaten by humans.
Generally, edible roots stored energy in the form of carbohydrates. Carrot, radish, beetroot are most people like to eat.
Various types of edible roots:
This question is based on personal experience, and it may differ from person to person.
Edible roots that I have studied and am familiar with, "a carrot, radish, sweet potato", etc.
Carrot is somewhat elongated, with narrow girth and an orange Colour, and is fleshy, with typical smell. It is full of beta carotenoids, very good for persons with bad eyesight.
Radish is whitish to purple, but fatter than carrot. It also has a typical smell.
Sweet potato has a light maroon colour, with no particular shape. Its somewhat tapering, and is full of starch.