English, asked by shettypallavi595, 11 months ago

Describe Toto from the prose Adventures of Toto?

It carries 4 marks


Answered by mdcy


toto was a pretty little monkey his right I sparkle with mischief Beneath deep set eyebrows and his teeth which were often displayed in a white grin often frightened the life out of elderly Anglo Indian ladies his hands lok why dry as do had been pickled in the sun for years yet his fingers were quick and wicked and his tail while serving as a third hand helped him to scoop out delicacies out of reach of his hands

grand father bought him from a tonga driver who used to keep this little red monkey tied to the feeding trough he used to look so out of place there that grandfather decided to put him into his private zoo

toto was a mischievous monkey who never allowed any of grandfather's pets to live in harmony.

his brain was largely devoted to mischief

he tore the narrators blazer into shreds.

he always disturbed the domestic animal nana the author's family donkey and toto and Nana never became friends.while grandfather took him to Saharanpur he had the effects of making the bag in which he was kept to roll on the platform and occasionally jumped into the air which attracted a crowd of curious onlookers .why grandfather was producing is ticket to the ticket collector he protruded his head out and give the collector a wide grin the poor man was taken aback but with great presence of mind charged grandfather to pay a fine.

he always wanted to catch hold of the author's aunt's dresses and tear a hole in it

one day he nearly succeeded himself in boiling alive.

one day narrator and his family found toto stuffing himself with rice ,grandmother screamed at him and toto threw up late at her one of the aunts rushed forward and receive the glass of water r when grandfather came he took the plate in to the branch of a jackfruit tree and sat there eating all the day determined to finish every grain. After he finished he threw the plate down and chattered with the delight when it broke into a thousand pieces.

he frequently broke plates, cups, dishe,s tore wallpapers and being a mediocre family they could not afford such frequent losses of items and have to return toto back to the tonga driver

I'm from ninth too

hope the answer helps you

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