Describe Tricki's stay at dr.james herriot's surgery highlighting his behaviour and his rapid recovery
Tricki was a highly pampered dog. With too feeding Tricki was too fat. Mrs. Pumphrey gave him plenty of food to eat and he got sick due to over-eating.
- The question has been asked from the story A Triumph of Surgery.
- Tricki got sick due to overeating, however Mrs. Pumphrey figured it was due to weakness and she began to give him more food. the dog became so obese that entire time it was on his couch and couldn't even go for a stroll.
- One day. Vet, Dr, James Herriot came to inspect the puppy, and noticed that proper exercise was needed. So, he took Tricki with him for the surgery. He gave Tricki no food but plenty of water for two days.
- On third day he saw that Tricki licked out other dogs' supper bowls. He gave his own bowl to Tricki the next day, but Tricki had to run for the food.
- When Mrs Pumphrey arrived, she saw that Tricki had been turned into a hard muscle animal and when Tricki saw her, he jumped into her lap and started to lick her face.
Answer:Due to overfeeding and lack of exercise,Tricki became obes. To transform Tricki from his present condition to a hard muscled animal, Dr. Herriot took Tricki to his hospital by managing Mrs. Pumphrey. He gave Tricki no food for two days, but gave plenty of water. From the third day, Tricki started licking other dogs boel. From the next day an extra bowl was kept for Tricku. Then slowly he started showing interest to his fellow friends by joining them into friendly scrimmage. Then rapidly Tricky joined the other dogs in other activities like hunting rats. Finally Tricky 'transformed into a hard muscled animal without any medical treatment.