Describe u r brainly journey
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I entered into the Brainly World through an advertisement on a gaming portal on 26 March 2018
Earlier I thought everyone here only answer and the website keeps generating questions but later realised the appreciable feature of this wonderful app.
During my early days I used to use the Brainly app the whole day I was so hungry for brainliest answers that I used to write in the end of my every answer mark as brainliest.
I used to use this app after midnight which was harmful for me but I enjoyed the feeling for receiving thanks.
For the first time I saw a user KalpeshPrabhakar with a somewhat different rank called Maths Aryabhatta and suddenly the number of users with those ranks started to increase and I observed one thing common that everyone had more than 500 answers in maths subject. So I made a mission to answer maximum maths questions.
Within a span of 1 month I answered 500 questions and thought that automatically the Maths Aryabhatta rank will come but it didn't. I forgot about the rank and started to answer more and more then I met the angel of this app - " Nikki 57 " who told me that if I promise her to help more and more users she will give me the Maths Aryabhatta rank.
As promised at 600 Maths Answers she gave me the grand MATHS ARYABHATTA RANK I was like I achieved something in life. I used to help others. Then I observed that the number of spamming increased drastically. I wanted to delete those spam questions and answers so that it keeps the Brainly environment spam free but I was not a moderator.
Then again the angel arrived Nikki57 who honoured me with the grand BRAINLY BENEFACTOR rank which was a step closer to becoming a moderator
I was made a Benefactor directly unlike other users who had to pass through Brainly star rank and then get the Benefactor rank. At 700 answers I got this rank embedded on my profile. Then the messaging feature was removed which caused a huge chaos in the app and I was selected as an Apprentice Moderator.
After this I was promoted to the rank of an Apprentice Moderator with total of 1200 answers. I used to delete all the spam answers and questions and felt happy that I was able to contribute to the Brainly app but somehow I boycotted the rank after almost a month. Then what , School started and I almost left Brainly, I then only open Brainly when my mood says me. I hello only selected users now.
Friends at Brainly !!!
1) Nikki57 = The Angel of my Brainly Journey. Unfortunately due to heavy work load in real life she does not use Brainly anymore.
2) Siddhartharao = The Brainly Teacher who according to me is the best brainliest user. Always ready to help.
4) Snisthasingh = Probably one of my oldest friend on Brainly. She's an amazing user. She has motivated me at sad times. Cheers to her
5) NiveJoshi = A pretty PCM girl who is good at studies. We met after a long time and thus we chat a lot.
6) Tejashri = She is one of the best users I've met and one of the oldest in fact. We are really good friends. Unfortunately she is inactive recently.
7) RanjanKumar = He was my bro. We used to enjoy chatting with each other. Unfortunately he doesn't use Brainly now. Missing him
8) Swara15 = Again an amazing user whom I met in my early days. I miss her presence.
9) VijayaLaxmiMehra = The user whose growth I witnessed. She regularly asks questions and I used to answer them. Now she is a great user with 500+ answers.
10) Veronika = She is an amazing user. We both are riding the same boat and aspiring similar dreams and feelings. Cheers to the user.
11) Dasmgmail = He's a creative user and a student of class 10. We had a great conversation. Good Guy
12) Arsheen = She's an amazing user now promoted as a moderator. We both used to answer after midnight during my early days.
13) Kaushik = He's an amazing PCM student. Good guy indeed. We are from Ahmedabad cheers to Gujarat
14) EmaadAhmad = A very helpful user who's always ready to help others.
15) SaniyaAnwar = Again a helpful girl who is also easy to help others
16)Vilokatbest = The user who always appreciates me. Thanks Vilok Bhai. A good user
17) Anny121 = A good user who possesses exceptional English skills.
18) MeghaKatiyar = An active user who is a cheerful girl and can answer amazingly in Computer Science subject.
19) LeaderBSM(PraneethSingh) = A good user who got his name changed. He's a helpful user.
20) The Knowledge = An Unhappy user with the moderators. A good user indeed
I'm really sorry if I missed someone
Currently I'm a commerce with Maths student in class 11
Hope this helps ✌️
Thanks for asking this question
I entered into the Brainly World through an advertisement on a gaming portal on 26 March 2018
Earlier I thought everyone here only answer and the website keeps generating questions but later realised the appreciable feature of this wonderful app.
During my early days I used to use the Brainly app the whole day I was so hungry for brainliest answers that I used to write in the end of my every answer mark as brainliest.
I used to use this app after midnight which was harmful for me but I enjoyed the feeling for receiving thanks.
For the first time I saw a user KalpeshPrabhakar with a somewhat different rank called Maths Aryabhatta and suddenly the number of users with those ranks started to increase and I observed one thing common that everyone had more than 500 answers in maths subject. So I made a mission to answer maximum maths questions.
Within a span of 1 month I answered 500 questions and thought that automatically the Maths Aryabhatta rank will come but it didn't. I forgot about the rank and started to answer more and more then I met the angel of this app - " Nikki 57 " who told me that if I promise her to help more and more users she will give me the Maths Aryabhatta rank.
As promised at 600 Maths Answers she gave me the grand MATHS ARYABHATTA RANK I was like I achieved something in life. I used to help others. Then I observed that the number of spamming increased drastically. I wanted to delete those spam questions and answers so that it keeps the Brainly environment spam free but I was not a moderator.
Then again the angel arrived Nikki57 who honoured me with the grand BRAINLY BENEFACTOR rank which was a step closer to becoming a moderator
I was made a Benefactor directly unlike other users who had to pass through Brainly star rank and then get the Benefactor rank. At 700 answers I got this rank embedded on my profile. Then the messaging feature was removed which caused a huge chaos in the app and I was selected as an Apprentice Moderator.
After this I was promoted to the rank of an Apprentice Moderator with total of 1200 answers. I used to delete all the spam answers and questions and felt happy that I was able to contribute to the Brainly app but somehow I boycotted the rank after almost a month. Then what , School started and I almost left Brainly, I then only open Brainly when my mood says me. I hello only selected users now.
Friends at Brainly !!!
1) Nikki57 = The Angel of my Brainly Journey. Unfortunately due to heavy work load in real life she does not use Brainly anymore.
2) Siddhartharao = The Brainly Teacher who according to me is the best brainliest user. Always ready to help.
4) Snisthasingh = Probably one of my oldest friend on Brainly. She's an amazing user. She has motivated me at sad times. Cheers to her
5) NiveJoshi = A pretty PCM girl who is good at studies. We met after a long time and thus we chat a lot.
6) Tejashri = She is one of the best users I've met and one of the oldest in fact. We are really good friends. Unfortunately she is inactive recently.
7) RanjanKumar = He was my bro. We used to enjoy chatting with each other. Unfortunately he doesn't use Brainly now. Missing him
8) Swara15 = Again an amazing user whom I met in my early days. I miss her presence.
9) VijayaLaxmiMehra = The user whose growth I witnessed. She regularly asks questions and I used to answer them. Now she is a great user with 500+ answers.
10) Veronika = She is an amazing user. We both are riding the same boat and aspiring similar dreams and feelings. Cheers to the user.
11) Dasmgmail = He's a creative user and a student of class 10. We had a great conversation. Good Guy
12) Arsheen = She's an amazing user now promoted as a moderator. We both used to answer after midnight during my early days.
13) Kaushik = He's an amazing PCM student. Good guy indeed. We are from Ahmedabad cheers to Gujarat
14) EmaadAhmad = A very helpful user who's always ready to help others.
15) SaniyaAnwar = Again a helpful girl who is also easy to help others
16)Vilokatbest = The user who always appreciates me. Thanks Vilok Bhai. A good user
17) Anny121 = A good user who possesses exceptional English skills.
18) MeghaKatiyar = An active user who is a cheerful girl and can answer amazingly in Computer Science subject.
19) LeaderBSM(PraneethSingh) = A good user who got his name changed. He's a helpful user.
20) The Knowledge = An Unhappy user with the moderators. A good user indeed
I'm really sorry if I missed someone
Currently I'm a commerce with Maths student in class 11
Hope this helps ✌️
awesome answer ^_^
Answered by
➡️ First of all , thanks for asking such a wonderful question .
➡️ My BRAINLY journey has been wonderful cause it has given me motivation , some great friends and a lot more help throughout the journey !!
➡️ I joined this app on 22.02.2018 as an usual user . I didn't know the rules and regulations of this app . So , I used to sometime commit some mistakes for which I regretted a lot . But , with the onslaught of time I got to know the value of this app , got new friends who helped me in everything possible . Got some great experiences when I was given the BRAINLY STAR rank . Again , I got some great friends and now I would like to mention the names of those friends who were there with from the beginning :
» @RiyaKv95 :: She is my classmate , my best friend , most helping , and have a caring nature like my own sistah ! She is a brilliant student . Lots of love !!
» @Shanaya200 :: She was there from the beginning of my journey . I call her sweeto (-; !! and is having such an amazing friendly nature and always helpful Lots of love !!
» @SkbSkb : My bhai in this app ! Having a great heart and so much helpful ... Got to know him that he is also very caring one of my very good friend overhere .
» @Khushi572 : My di ! She is very sweet and so friendly , we got to know each other in a single day and she gives me a lot of guide regarding my studies too .
» @THEPRAGYA : She is also one of my old friends and very helpful ! A superb user .
» @Hasti : My old friend in this app ! We both used to conversate a lot earlier and we used to discuss our studies . Miss u re !!
» @RimshaManal : She is also my close friend overhere and is a brilliant user and she is the one who did remembered me after a long time .
And now , It's turn for my friends whom I met in the star team and even in the benefactor team :
» @EVERkshitijhEST : My bro , so much helpful and very kind hearted . Got a really nice person over here who is very caring .
» @Khushi423 : Miss u re !! She is my close friend over here and I always feel very happy talking with her .
» @Lorraine1 : He is just amazing , helps in each and every question I ask him , he is just so brilliant in such an young age .
» @RishabhBansal : My bro , you are very brilliant and is very good in heart .
» @KalpeshPrabhakar : A great user , and extremely helpful ... Good to have you as a bro :)
» @Swarup1998 : My dada over here , he is just amazing and extremely talented ! and yes ! both of us joined brainly on the same day ! We sometimes used to speak in Bengali (-; . And he is very helpful
» @Gaurav249 : He is also my good bro , shares every problems he suffers and expect from me to get good replies ... but sometimes I myself don't know what to reply :P . But he is really good friend of mine xD
» @Ria113 : Didn't talk with you for a long time !! Miss uh ! she is very friendly :)
» @ANSHI03 : She is very helpful and a a good friend of mine :) and have a good heart too .
➡️ Sorry if I missed someone ... But if I did so , lemme me tell you all , My journey is incomplete without you friends !!
And the moderators have been so kind to me during my problems for which I have taken a leave for almost 1.5 years form the workspace .

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