Describe User Authentication Methods with real time situation
User authentication occurs within most human-to-computer interactions ... In the API key authentication method, a first-time user is assigned a unique
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Currently used authentication factors include:
Two-factor and multifactor authentication
Two-factor authentication usually depends on the knowledge factor combined with either a biometric factor or a possession factor like a security token. Multifactor authentication can include any type of authentication that depends on two or more factors, but an authentication process that uses a password plus two different types of biometric would not be considered three-factor authentication, although if the process required a knowledge factor, a possession factor and an inherence factor, it would be. Systems that call for those three factors plus a geographic or time factor are considered examples of four-factor authentication.
Authentication and authorization
Authorization includes the process through which an administrator grants rights to authenticated users, as well as the process of checking user account permissions to verify that the user has been granted access to those resources. The privileges and preferences granted for the authorized account depend on the user's permissions, which are either stored locally or on the authentication server. The settings defined for all these environment variables are set by an administrator.
Systems and processes may also need to authorize their automated actions within a network. Online backup services, patching and updating systems and remote monitoring systems, such as those used in telemedicine and smart grid technologies, all need to securely authenticate before they can verify that it is the authorized system involved in any interaction and not a hacker.
Types of authentication methods
Traditional authentication depends on the use of a password file, in which user IDs are stored together with hashes of the passwords associated with each user. When logging in, the password submitted by the user is hashed and compared to the value in the password file. If the two hashes match, the user is authenticated.
This approach to authentication has several drawbacks, particularly for resources deployed across different systems. For one thing, attackers who are able to access to the password file for a system can use brute force attacks against the hashed passwords to extract the passwords. For another, this approach would require multiple authentications for modern applications that access resources across multiple systems.
Password-based authentication weaknesses can be addressed to some extent with smarter user names and password rules like minimum length and stipulations for complexity, such as including capitals and symbols. However, password-based authentication and knowledge-based authentication are more vulnerable than systems that require multiple independent methods.
Other authentication methods include:
Two-factor authentication -- Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to the process of authentication. 2FA requires that a user provide a second authentication factor in addition to the password. 2FA systems often require the user to enter a verification code received via text message on a preregistered mobile phone, or a code generated by an authentication application.
Multifactor authentication -- Multifactor authentication requires users to authenticate with more than one authentication factor, including a biometric factor like fingerprint or facial recognition, a possession factor like a security key fob or a token generated by an authenticator app.
One-time password -- A one-time password is an automatically generated numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates a user. This password is only valid for one login ses
Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it declares itself to be. Authentication technology provides access control for systems by checking to see if a user's credentials match the credentials in a database of authorized users or in a data authentication server.
. The authenticating system issues a signed authentication token to the end-user application, and that token is appended to every request from the client.
Authentication factors
Authenticating a user with a user ID and a password is us
An authentication factor represents some piece of data or attribute that can be used to authenticate a user requesting access to a system. An old security adage has it that authentication factors can be "something you know, something you have or something you are."