Describe various factors governing span of management.
•Capacity of Superior: Here the capacity means the ability of a superior to comprehend the problems quickly and gel up with the staff such that he gets respect from all.
•Capacity of Subordinate: If the subordinate is trained and efficient in discharging his functions
•Nature of Work: If the subordinates are required to do a routine job, with which they are well versed, then the manager can have a wider span.
•Degree of Decentralization: If the manager delegates authority to the subordinates then he is required to give less attention to them.
•Planning: If the subordinates are well informed about their job roles, then they will do their work without consulting the manager again and again.
•Staff Assistance: The use of staff assistance can help the manager in reducing his workload by performing certain managerial tasks
•Supervision from Others: The classical approach to the span of management, i.e., each person should have a single supervisor is changing these days.