Describe various IEEE standards for network topologies.
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The speed time graph of a body moving in a fixeddirection is given below
1)Find the distance travelled in 10s
2) Acceleration of the body at t=3s
3) Average speed from t=5s to t=10s
Local Area Networks <ul><li>Local area networks (LANs) connect computers within a building or a enterprise network </li></ul><ul><li>Almost all LANs are broadcast networks </li></ul><ul><li>Typical topologies of LANs are bus or ring or star </li></ul><ul><li>We will work with Ethernet LANs. </li></ul><ul><li> </li></ul>
When a computer wants to transmit a frame it: </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Listens for a frame on the cable, if busy, the computer waits for a random time and attempts transmission again. This is known as Carrier Sense . </li></ul></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>If the cable is quiet, the computer begins to transmit. </li></ul></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Two computers could transmit at the same time.