World Languages, asked by rajendrayp98, 4 days ago

Describe your family in german​


Answered by XxitzmissDaisyxX


Your family

To talk about who is in your family, use the verb haben (to have), for example ‘I have a brother’. To do this, you need to use the right indefinite article. The indefinite article is a or an. In German, einen is used for male family members and eine is used for female family members. For example:

Ich habe eine Mutter und einen Vater - I have a mother and a father.

Ich habe einen Bruder - I have a brother.

Ich habe zwei Mütter - I have two mothers.

Ich habe eine Mutter, einen Stiefvater, eine Schwester und einen Halbbruder - I have a mother, a step-father, a sister and a half-brother.

If you don’t have any brothers or sisters, you can say:

Ich habe keine Geschwister - I have no brothers and sisters.

Ich bin Einzelkind - I am an only child.

A photo of a mixed-race family standing together and smiling at the camera

Meine Familie - my family

German English

Mutter / Mütter mother / mother

Vater / Väter father / fathers

Mama mum

Papa dad

Schwester / Schwestern sister / sisters

Bruder / Brüder brother / brothers

Onkel uncle

Tante aunt

Großvater grandfather

Opa grandad

Großmutter grandmother

Oma granny

Cousin / Cousins cousin (male) / cousins (male)

Cousine / Cousinen cousin (female) / cousins (female)

Stiefmutter step-mother

Stiefvater step-father

Stiefschwester step-sister

Stiefbruder step-brother

Halbschwester half-sister

Halbbruder half-brother

keine Geschwister no brothers or sisters

Eltern parents

Pflegemutter foster mother

Pflegevater foster father

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