French, asked by nikhilmathewx, 3 months ago

describe your favourite festival in French pls fast​


Answered by sriteja2780


My favorite is の返答の仕方が一番適切なのですか。 堅い表現なのではと根拠なく思ってしまってて、他にいい表現があるのかなと思いました。 I am writing this letter to let you know that I have developed an enjoyable hobby since the past six Essay, Pages 3 (537 words) Festivals is a celebration of life. My favourite place essay in hindi An issue that has many americans in uproar is the possibility that aggressive behavior and destructive acts are caused from television violence the battle for. A few days before Diwali, people clean their houses and shops and get them whitewashed. This is to celebrate the French Revolution which established the way France functions today. Nice Carnival. There are also lots of French flags on display, as this flag was introduced as a symbol of the new republic. It may be a book on literature, history or any other subject. To a certain extent it depends on what you like and dislike. It's important, then, to learn some of the most common words for furniture, house, and home in French. If you are looking for help with your essay then we offer a comprehensive writing service provided by fully qualified academics in your field of study. In this article, we are providing information about My Favourite Festival in Hindi. Holi: The Vibrant Festival Of Colours (10th March, Tuesday) Also known as the festival of colors, holi … Descriptive writing is often seen in travel writing, poetry, and in the short story and novel form, but it is not restricted to them. To become a good player he/she needs to practice frequently. My mother started baking her favorite chocolate cake while I called all her friends and our relatives to the party in the evening. It is an important place to me as 1 have my childhood memories attached to it. People greet each other on these days and share love and blessings. I have grown up here and 1 have spent almost all my life here. Taking place every February, the famous Nice Carnival is one of the largest carnivals … Describe a festival that is important in your country. Demonstrating the truly global nature of festivals in Hong Kong, the Le French May is organised annually by the French Embassy in Hong Kong to promote and popularise French art and culture.

Answered by angel4444442
My birthday la aneversairre
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