describe your learning experiences in covid -19
O my god !it was very horrible was very dangours and hazardous.stay safe stay home
It hadn't ben very shocking when the government started the lockdown. I am an introvert so it wasn't so boring as I can occupy myself with something as small as a paper clip or a light switch (I have some vague memory of trying to balance the light switch between on and off. I failed miserably.) But for my family, well... they were radiating the "this is so boring. Just kill me now" vibe.
My most favorite thing to do was to get my sibling in trouble. (Though I also did it before the lockdown)
I also started writing poems and stories. This is one of my poems...
Oh Mother Nature
What things you create!
No creation is greater
Than your own domain
The stars burn like fire
So unique and divine
They’re purer than crystals
They are the sky’s butterflies
The tears of the sky
Thunder on the land
They’re the pearls of sky’s oyster
Percolating through the sand
The leaves dancing in the breeze
And the stardust making wonders
That's all the miracle we need
It's the essence of mother nature
It's the only hint we need
To know she's the mother of all creatures
Waves the oceans and the seas
The sky's blue colour reflecting in water
The sun greets the open fields
While morning dew restlessly wanders
The smell of the grass
While drizzles the fresh, soft rain
It's a joy un-replaceable
Only by mother nature we can gain
You feel her in the winds
And also in the leaves
She lies in the horizon
A shade of yellow tinged with teal
Flowers bloom in colours vivid
With creepers running down the trails
The clouds also give some visits
Gifting us some shiny hail
She is everywhere we look
And in everything we feel
She is all the diseases' cure
She is the mighty universe's seal
I also started to give more time in drawing and painting. One of the best things is that I started a blog on art and craft. Also, I started participating in some online competitions and even won third place in one. Furthermore I started re-reading my paper back books. I finished one in a day. (The most fascinating thing is not finishing the book, but seeing the look on other's faces that how did you even finish that thing! Believe me it's great) I started photography too. But the only thing that I have been able to capture is a lady bug. And that is also blurred! Needless to say, I suck at photography!
So, for me, lockdown was great! But, I would literally give anything to go back to my normal life and my friends.