Describes an individual who uses religion for thei own purposes attends church infrequently and tends to be more prejudiced towards others
Religion is defined by its unique ability to provide individuals with answers to the .... the Catholic Church appears to be adapting its attitudes towards modernization. ... used religious narratives, symbols, and traditions in an attempt to give more ... ways that lend life meaning and purpose and, on the other, disrupt, dislocate, ...
Religion has an important role in social integration and control. Religion is part of the culture or way of life of a society, and it helps to maintain cultural traditions. Society can only survive if people share some common beliefs about right and wrong behaviour.
Laws mandated that everyone attend a house of worship and pay taxes that ... Instead, differing Christian groups often believed that their own practices and ... each other's religions, and British colonists frequently maintained restrictions ... the colonies became more settled, the influence of the clergy and their churches grew.
same to her. his answer is alright