Environmental Sciences, asked by Ishan2076, 1 year ago

Description about nature beauty in malayalam


Answered by ridhikashastri1307



We live among the beauties of nature and beauties of nature live in us. All around can be seen the mysteries of nature. Both the animate and the inanimate objects of nature offer new scenes like a film on the screen. Nature is an integral part of our lives. But even while we appreciate the blessings she bestows on us, we forget that we are plundering her treasures and thereby denying our children the pleasure of enjoying nature in all her abundance and variety in the future. The beauty of nature has been extolled in the works of poets and artists. When Wordsworth describes the daffodils dancing in the breeze or when our eyes alight on a painting by William Turner, our hearts are filled with an indescribable emotion. Nature has myriad facets. It keeps changing from season to season, from minute to minute. If the sea was a bright blue in the morning, by noon it has become an emerald green hue. The colors of the sky keep changing throughout the day, from pale pink at dawn to a dazzling blue at mid morning and a bright orange by sunset and purple by twilight. Nature reflects our moods. When the sun shines, we feel happy and hopeful.

The sunrise is one of the most glorious scenes of natures. You can feast your eyes on the rising sun. The world is at its best in the morning. All flowers, trees, bushes look beautiful in the soft light of the dawn. The birds sing. The animals frisk about. Only the early riser can see the best scene of nature.

As the sun goes up the whole world becomes golden. At noon it is an ocean of sparking gold which overflows the houses and fields. The entire landscape glistens and dazzles the eye. The sunset has its peculiar charm when the sky looks like a vast sheet of burning fire. Nightfall offers new beauties and new tunes. At night nature puts on a black gown like a lady. at home. 


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