English, asked by jayakrishna6294, 1 year ago

Description about Save earth


Answered by BINIL0000


Save Earth

We live on planet earth. We get everything for our life from mother earth. We should save our planet earth to ensure that our future generations get a safe environment.

How to save the earth?

We can save our planet earth by saving our trees, natural vegetation, natural resources, water, electricity. We can take measures for controlling environmental pollution and global warming.

Save trees. We should plant new trees plant trees. The schemes afforestation and reforestation should be wholeheartedly supported.

Save natural vegetation. We should use less paper. We can make arrangement for recycling of used paper and other natural products. Plants and trees covers and holds the surface of the earth.

Save natural resources. We all know that the supply of natural resources such as minerals, stones, coal, oil, etc. are limited. We can save electricity by putting off the lights when not in use. Or we can switch to fans instead of air conditioners during nights.

Save water. Water is life. It is the basic necessity for every human being living on this planet. We can stop throwing wastes into open water bodies. At home, we can use water cautiously and ensure that it doesn’t get wasted. Remember, a large many people are still deprived of safe pure water. “Be the change that you want to see in this world.”

Save environment from pollution. Don’t pollute water by not throwing wastes into waterborne. Minimize air pollution by reducing harmful emissions. Use less car, less machines, less electricity, and less plastic goods.Eat organic foods.

Save earth from global warming. Industries should regularly check that their machines are emitting smoke within permissible limits. Ensure that wastes are discharged only after treatment

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Answered by baby3419


Save Earth Paragraph 7 (400 Words)

The Earth is a planet that sustains life. Many thousands of life forms including man live on Earth. This planet of the solar system has the natural systems and conditions to be able to sustain life.

Planet Earth can Sustain Life

Planet Earth has air for us to breathe, water that we can drink, and food to sustain the life forms. Earth also has the temperature and climatic conditions that we can tolerate. For instance, in the solar system, we cannot live on a planet like Venus which is very hot, nor can we survive on Neptune, a very cold planet.

Air, Water and Vegetation are Life-Sustaining Natural Resources

The Earth has air which we can breathe to stay alive. The oxygen in the air is what we breathe in, and it is what keeps us alive.

The Earth has trees and forests as also water. Trees provide us ample benefits. Trees use up carbon-dioxide from the air for carrying out the process of photosynthesis, and give out oxygen, which we need for breathing. Trees are also food for man and other herbivorous animals. Trees and forests are also home to many wildlife species. Forests help in maintaining the hydrological cycle too. They help in maintaining the water table level. They also help in keeping the monsoon systems going.

Water is vital to life, and we cannot live if there is no water. The Earth has water bodies such as lakes, streams, rivers, seas and oceans. While the water of the seas and the oceans is saline, and is not fit for consumption, the water of rivers and streams and lakes can be consumed. Water must be pure and fit to be consumed. Water is needed by man not only for drinking, but for cooking his food, and maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness of his surroundings too. All marine species need water bodies to live in.

Earth and its Environment must be Saved from Ecological Destruction

Life is sustained by the Earth and its natural resources such as sunlight, air, water and vegetation. We must, therefore, protect Planet Earth, our home. Due to many wanton and indiscriminate activities of man driven by greed, selfishness and intolerance, the Earth and its environment have been adversely affected. This has caused certain species of wildlife to become extinct, and many species to be threatened and vulnerable. The life of almost life forms is becoming difficult because of natural disturbances and destruction. If we do not save our Earth from destruction, our own life can get 

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