description geography use such as location or region
At its core, geography is essentially the study of the Earth and its inhabitants. Geographers describe the Earth by examining the distribution and interactions of its physical and human cultural aspects, including the impacts of humans on the natural environment. Geographers may use all sorts of adjectives to explain elements ranging from rugged landforms to structured cityscapes and the relationships among them; their descriptions can be classified into five main categories.
Concept of Location
Geographers use the concept of location to describe position on the planet’s surface. Location can be either absolute or relative. Absolute location can be thought of as an exact spot. For example, “Baltimore, Maryland,” describes an absolute location. Absolute locations can be pinpointed using latitude and longitude. On the other hand, relative location defines the spot in terms of other entities. For instance, a geographer may describe the relative location of Baltimore by saying that it sits on the western edge of the Chesapeake Bay or at the eastern terminus of Interstate 70.
Notion of Place
A step beyond location, the notion of place focuses on what differentiates a particular spot from others. Geographers describe a place in terms of its physical characteristics and its human characteristics. Physical characteristics pertain to the natural environment. They encompass geological, meteorological, hydrologic and biological processes, such as landforms, climate, water bodies, plant and animal life. Human characteristics describe the products of society. For instance, office buildings, highways and playgrounds are human characteristics of place, as are intangibles like language, politics, religion, population density and land-use patterns.
Unifying Regions
A region is an expanse of area connected by a specific common trait or traits. Regions may be marked by physical traits or traits constructed by humans. For example, New York’s Adirondack Mountains comprise a physical region, while Virginia’s Historic Triangle of colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown form a human region. Geographers recognize some regions as sharing features of physical as well as human characteristics, such as the Middle East. Boundaries between regions may be indistinct; for instance, the Adirondack Mountains do not sharply recede into flat land but rather gradually peter out into a series of foothills.
Human-Environmental Interactions
The Earth’s landscape was once exclusively a physical geographic feature, but humans and their technologies have changed that. Geographers acknowledge that humans impact the face of the Earth, but the Earth itself also affects human activities. Humans depend on natural environments to sustain life and have adapted to a wide variety of environments in order to do so, from the deserts of Arizona to the Arctic tundra. As they’ve adapted, humans have modified environments to meet their needs, building everything from humble cottages to enormous dams.
Movement Patterns
Geographers consider the ways in which humans move throughout the Earth and the connections they’ve established between locales. Human movement can be described in terms of the exchange of ideas, goods and even the transportation methods themselves. Geographers recognize human movements as a key to understanding the constantly changing elements of a particular area.