Description of Palampur village
The Palampur village has around 450 families which belong to different caste and creeds. The main activity of Palampur is farming and 80 families of the upper caste own the majority of land in Palampur. There are other activities in the Palampur like dairy, transport, small-scale manufacturing, etc which also helps run the economy in the Palampur.
The neighboring towns of the village are well connected and all-weather roads are also well connected. There are options for transportation which are available like tongas, bogeys, jeeps, bullock carts, tractors, etc.
it is a small village where farming is the main activity performed. Their, the distribution of land is unequal and job is seasonal. There, the big and medium farmers hier small and landless farmers for work in some specific season. Their,people take loan money from big ‘Thekedars’ and not from bank.
illeteracy is is a major problem. hope it helps :)
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