Descriptive paragaraph

The chefs are well-educated persons with a passion to cook food. In the initial stage, they learn to chop vegetables in different styles, making soft dough, preparing fresh drinks etc. Patience, dedication towards work, keeping the workplace clean and supplying food on proper time is the basic qualities of a chef.
The traditional chef's uniform (or chef's whites) includes a toque blanche ("white hat"), white double-breasted jacket, pants in a black-and-white houndstooth pattern, and apron. It is a common occupational uniform in the Western world.
Chef responsibilities include studying recipes, setting up menus and preparing high-quality dishes. You should be able to delegate tasks to kitchen staff to ensure meals are prepared in a timely manner. Also, you should be familiar with sanitation regulations.
Undergraduate certificate and degree programmes are the most common for being a chef. In fact, there are MBA programmes in hotel management also. Courses to become a chef may include nutrition, culinary techniques, butchery, pastry preparation, and regional or specialty cuisine topics.
Willingness to Learn. Becoming a chef can be a hands-on learning experience, and like they say, practice does make perfect. ...
Genuine Passion. ...
Organisation. ...
Ability to Skilfully Multitask. ...
Creativity. ...
Time Management. ...
Teamwork. ...
Leadership Skills.