English, asked by fghdst6827, 1 year ago

Descriptive paragraph of Iswaran the story teller chapter 3


Answered by besst

Mahendra was a supervisor in a firm his job was to supervise different construction sites .Nature of his job was to move from one place to another place. Mahendra's needs were simple. He had a servant named Ishwaran. Ishwaran followed Mahendra without any complain. He cooked for Mahendra, washed his clothes and cleans the shelterin leisure time Ishwaran read Tamil thrilled stories and it effected him so much that even a smallest incident like fallen of a tree appeared to him busy beast Ishwaran described each thing in detail and he weaved daily a new story full of thrill and horror to Mahendra. He played the role of a T.V. in Mahendra's quarter . Once he told to Mahendra a story about tusker with the prolonged of elephant in the jungle and how they behaved when they got mad. The tusker escaped out of the jungle destroying everything what came into the way. It reached in Ishwaran's school. There every one was terrified watching the drama of the tusker, It pulled football goal post and volleyball net later Ishwaran told that he grabbed a cane from the teacher's hand and faced the mad tusker boldly. He hit on to the thrived toe of the elephant and it shivered and collapsed . At this point he would leave the story and Mahendra remained in dangling situation. On one auspicious day he weaved a story about a ghost woman holding a foetus on her hand Mahendra stooped him such nonsense stories and there are no such type of figure but our imagination only afterfew days Mahendra heard some noise near his window sill duringnight time. First he put it as some short of small animal like cat but the noise became louder and louder. When he peeped through the window he fainted for he saw some cloudy figure clutching a bundle near his window sill. Mahendra could not sleep that night. In morning Ishwaran smilingly asked about the sound and that woman ghost. He also complained about how he child him the other day. Mahendra was so upset that he resoled to go on leave that very day.

Answered by ridhimag47


पारिस्थितिकी (अंग्रेज़ी:इकोलॉजी) जीवविज्ञान व भूगोल की एक शाखा है जिसमें जीव समुदायों का उसके वातावरण के साथ पारस्परिक संबंधों का अध्ययन करतें हैं। प्रत्येक जन्तु या वनस्पति एक निशिचत वातावरण में रहता है। पारिस्थितिज्ञ इस तथ्य का पता लगाते हैं कि जीव आपस में और पर्यावरण के साथ किस तरह क्रिया करते हैं और वह पृथ्वी पर जीवन की जटिल संरचना का पता लगाते हैं।[1]

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