Social Sciences, asked by ks3814848, 8 months ago

Class: X (CBSE)
Max marks: 2
Sub: Social Science
Time: 45 mi
Topic: HIS:- Ch-2: RISE OF NATIONALISM IN INDIA (Periods 1 to 5)
Answer the following questions in one/ two sentences.
What do you understand by satyagraha? Why did Gandhiji launch the Ahmedabad satyagra
What was the object of General Dyer behind the Jallianwalla Bagh incident?
What were the demands of peasant during the Peasant's movement ?
Why was the congress unwilling to support "No rent campaign in most places?


Answered by S0385


Mahatma Gandhi led the mill workers of Ahemdabad in a strike against the mill owners who had refused to pay them higher wages.This was the coz why Gandhi launched a satyagraha in ahemdabad

Gandhiji led the mill-workers of Ahmedabad in a strike against the mill-owners who had refused to pay them higher wages. When the workers seemed to weaken, he provided support to them by undertaking a fast (hunger strike). Afraid of the consequences, the mill-owners agreed on the fourth day of Gandhiji's fast to give a 35% increase in wages.

The peasants in Awadh made a demand to reduce the revenue, the emancipation of begar system and social boycott of tyrannical landowners. They were supervised by Baba Ram Chandra; a Sanyasi. This was the movement against the Talukdars and the Landlords of Awadh.

The congress was unwilling to support no rent campaign because if they supported it, the poor cultivators would join them but this would lead to protests from the rich farmers like the Jats and Patidats.


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