Computer Science, asked by Haloniliza, 7 months ago

Design a class PrimePalin Gen to generate prime palindrome
Eg = 11
Class name : Primefalingen
Data Members:
Start: to store the start of range
end to store the end of range
PrimefalinGen (int a, int b) : perometerized
constructor to initialize the date members (start=
a and
end = b).
int is Prime (int i) : returos 1 if the number
is prime otherwise returns a
int ispalin (int i): returns 1 if the number
is a palindrome otherwise
returns o
void generate() : generates all prime
palindrome numbers between start and end by
invoking functions is Prime() and is Palin()
Specify the class PrimePalingen giving details of the
Constructor (), int is Prime (int), int ispalin (int) and
void generate) Define a main() function to create
an object and cau the functions accordingly to
enable the task.​


Answered by nidhi213688


Design a class PrimePalin Gen to generate prime palindrome


Eg = 11

Class name : Primefalingen

Data Members:

Start: to store the start of range

end to store the end of range


PrimefalinGen (int a, int b) : perometerized

constructor to initialize the date members (start=

a and

end = b).

int is Prime (int i) : returos 1 if the number

is prime otherwise returns a

int ispalin (int i): returns 1 if the number

is a palindrome otherwise

returns o

void generate() : generates all prime

palindrome numbers between start and end by

invoking functions is Prime() and is Palin()

Specify the class PrimePalingen giving details of the

Constructor (), int is Prime (int), int ispalin (int) and

void generate) Define a main() function to create

an object and cau the functions accordingly to

enable the task...........................

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