Computer Science, asked by wwwyashgudiyal, 4 months ago

Design a class to overload a method Number() as follows:
(i) void Number (int num , int d) - To count and display the frequency of a digit in a number.
Example: num = 2565685 d = 5 Frequency of digit 5 = 3
(ii) void Number (int n1) - To find and display the sum of even digits of a number.
Example: n1 = 29865 Sum of even digits = 16
Write a main method to create an object and invoke the above methods.
to perform the follow
user's choice:​



Answered by sanjeevanaravindan


It's Below


public class Overload


   void Number(int num, int d) {

       int f = 0;


       while (num != 0) {

           int x = num % 10;

           if (x == d) {



           num /= 10;



       System.out.println("Frequency of digit " + d + " = " + f);



   void Number(int n1) {

       int s = 0;


       while (n1 != 0) {

           int x = n1 % 10;

           if (x % 2 == 0) {

               s = s + x;


           n1 /= 10;



       System.out.println("Sum of even digits = " + s);



   public static void main(String args[]) {

       Overload obj = new Overload();

       obj.Number(2565685, 5);




Answered by dreamrob

Program in C++


using namespace std;

class Overload



 void Number(int num, int d)


  int count = 0;

  while(num != 0)


   int digit = num % 10;

   if(digit == d)




   num = num / 10;


  cout<<"Frequency of the digit "<<d<<" = "<<count;


 void Number(int n1)


  int sum = 0;

  while(n1 != 0)


   int digit = n1 % 10;

   if(digit % 2 == 0)


    sum = sum + digit;


   n1 = n1 / 10;


  cout<<"Sum of even digits = "<<sum;



int main()


Overload o;

int ch;

cout<<"Enter 1: To count and display the frequency of a digit in a number\nEnter 2: To find and display the sum of even digits of a number\nEnter your choice : ";


if(ch == 1)


 int num,d;

 cout<<"Enter number : ";


 cout<<"Enter a digit (0-9): ";


 if(d >= 0 && d <= 9)


  o.Number(num , d);




  cout<<"Invalid Digit";



else if(ch == 2)


 int num;

 cout<<"Enter number : ";






 cout<<"Invalid choice";


return 0;


Output 1:

Enter 1: To count and display the frequency of a digit in a number

Enter 2: To find and display the sum of even digits of a number

Enter your choice : 1

Enter number : 2565685

Enter a digit (0-9): 5

Frequency of the digit 5 = 3

Output 2:

Enter 1: To count and display the frequency of a digit in a number

Enter 2: To find and display the sum of even digits of a number

Enter your choice : 2

Enter number : 29865

Sum of even digits = 16

Output 3:

Enter 1: To count and display the frequency of a digit in a number

Enter 2: To find and display the sum of even digits of a number

Enter your choice : 1

Enter number : 23456

Enter a digit (0-9): 23

Invalid Digit

Output 4:

Enter 1: To count and display the frequency of a digit in a number

Enter 2: To find and display the sum of even digits of a number

Enter your choice : 4

Invalid choice

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