Design a suitable poster on Save Water, Save Life to be displayed at Some public places. (50 words)
Save Earth, Save Life
The threat to the earth has grown in recent years. We all have a moral obligation to make our planet a safer and healthier place to live for ourselves and future generations. The indiscriminate exploitation of earthly resources, on the other hand, has thrown the ecological balance off. We must keep in mind that our actions and activities have an impact on the entire earth. The earth is what keeps us alive; the quality of our existence is determined by it. Here's an article on Save Earth Save Life that covers all of these themes.
Article on Save Earth, Save Life
Our planet is definitely a priceless gift from God. It is the principal source of all essential nutrients for all living things on the planet. earth provides everything we need, including the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the home we live in. earth is known as 'Mother earth,' because, like our mother, she is always nursing us and providing for all of our needs.
We would not be alive if it weren't for the earth. Humans gain enormously from the earth's health benefits. The most vital thing that earth provides for survival is oxygen. Earth controls the complete cycle of breathing of all living beings. The oxygen we breathe comes from trees, and the carbon dioxide we exhale is absorbed by them.
On Earth, there are humans, animals, plants, water bodies, land, mountains, dirt, and so on. Our planet is the only place on the globe where living things can survive. As a result, it becomes increasingly critical and crucial to save our planet.
Prior to ways, we can save Earth and therefore life, it is important to understand how our activities are threatening the Earth, by providing damage to all its natural resources. These activities lead to soil erosion, due to deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, climate change etc.
Many of man's activities have wreaked havoc on the planet's ecological balance and stability. Smoke from automobiles, industry and the burning of harmful materials has fouled the air. The air has become increasingly filthy as more automobiles travel the roads and industries generate smoke and fumes. As a result, greenhouse gases have accumulated and the climate has warmed. Climate change is a dangerous consequence of global warming.
The single most serious threat to our world now is climate change. To avoid catastrophic harm, we must reduce carbon emissions. And, with global energy demand forecast to rise 56 per cent over

Water is one of the most precious thing on the earth. Like Air, Land, Food, the water is also required to survive the life on the earth. Without this water we cannot imagine or we are not able to live the life on the earth. Water is our life, it will used in huge amount for making our life possible on earth. It is used for making our food, washing our cloths and utensils, for bathing and many more things which we are doing in our daily life. So we must take some action from our end to save the water and save our beautiful earth. So please “SAVE WATER, SAVE LIFE, SAVE EARTH”.
This is your another example
Water is very useful element for our life. Without water, we cannot imagine the life on the earth. Water is one of the most important element which is responsible for possibility of life on the earth. We already know that 71 percent of earth is covered by water surface but this water is undrinkable. Even this water is undrinkable , it is useful for making the life possible on the earth because it absorbs the heat from sun and make the earth wormer which is required to live the life.
Due to water cycle some amount of this water is converted to drinkable water. This water is useful for washing clothes, Bathing, washing kitchen utensils and for many things. In this way water plays an important role for living life on the earth for every living things which are preset in atmosphere. Apart from human beings, plants and animals also need water for their life cycle.
But in today’s time, we are wasting and polluting the water without thinking and understanding the consequences of water scarcity. So we must need to take the initiative to save the water from being polluted. We need to make some habits in our daily life to save the water for our self and also for our future generation.
Water is the most useful gem on the earth. Life is possible on this earth only because of water. It is difficult to imagine the life of mankind and other species without water. It is a precious gift for life through nature, or instead, it is the basis of life of the entire fauna and flora on earth. Seventy percent of our land is aquatic, the sea which is the largest source of water is a vast reservoir of water spread throughout the earth. But the water that is require for human beings and other living beings to drink and use in other works is only 3 percent on this earth. Therefore today we need to say that water is life and from today we should vow not to waste it.
Usable water on our earth is gradually getting depleted, and we are human beings for this reason too. If we continue to destroy nature in this way, then the day is not far when the third world war will be for water. We can live without food for a few days but cannot live for even a day without water because 70 percent of the human body is of water.
Even today, if we make ourselves aware and now that we will not play with nature, plant more trees, irrigate water and do not use it in vain, then surely we will meet this shortage of water. During rainy, a lot of the water that falls on the earth goes into the sea. If we collect that water by making a pond, reservoir, pool, etc. then we can store a lot of water and use it in our daily life.