desire outcomes on superstition
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Two studies grounded in experiential consumption theory – law of apparent reality and model of emotion-driven choice – test path models exploring determinants and outcomes of superstitious beliefs. Based on a survey of 218 US undergraduates, Study#1 suggests yearning-for-the-past as an antecedent of superstitious beliefs, which in turn relates positively to horoscope importance. Based on a survey of 247 US adults, Study#2 again shows yearning-for-the-past as a determinant of superstitious beliefs and explores previously untested superstitious belief consequences. Study#2 results imply resistance-to-change, buying-brands-due-to-family-traditions, obsessiveness, and intention-to-buy-luck-laden-products, as outcomes that relate positively to superstitious beliefs. These studies extend the consumer behaviour literature on nostalgia, superstition, and resistance to novelty.