Destinguish between meristematic and complex tissue
Answer:(1). Meristematic Tissues:
(1). Meristematic tissue composed of undifferentiated cells
(2). Meristems will be always a simple tissue, composed of only one type of cells
(3). Cells are always living
(4). Cells always contain dense cytoplasm
(5). Cells always contain prominent nucleus
(2). Permanent Tissues:
(1). Permanent tissue composed of differentiated cells
(2). Permanent tissues may be simple tissue or complex tissues (usually complex tissue, containing more than one type of cells, example: xylem, phloem)
(3). Cells may be living (Parenchyma and Collenchyma) or non-living (Sclerenchyma)
(4). Cells may or may not contain cytoplasm (Parenchyma contain cytoplasm, Sclerenchyma do not contain cytoplasm)
(5). Prominent nucleus present in some cells (Parenchyma) absent in others (Sclerenchyma)
*meristematic tissue can divide
*meristematic have thin cellulose wall
*they have no inter cellular space
complex tissue _
*complex tissue can not divide
*complex tissue have thin cellulose wall
*they have large inter cellular space