English, asked by Deepthisunina, 2 months ago

Detachment is not physically renouncing our possessions, professions,

home and family as many of us think. It is the ability to let go of all the

desires, habits, emotions, thoughts, speech and behaviour patterns that

are negative or detrimental to our well-being in any way. Detachment and

discrimination are interdependent; they mutually strengthen each other

and empower us. The more we are able to discriminate, the more we able to

segregate our harmful desires and discard them. The more mental trash we

discard this way, the more we empower our faculty of discrimination.

2. There is a simple technique we can all practise to strengthen our

discrimination and detachment and get rid of unnecessary desires. This

will generate the awareness we need to control our senses and mind and

make them stop churning out desires every moment. To practice this

technique, we should select a quiet place when we have some leisure time.

3. Sit down with a few sheets of paper and pen or a computer and make two

lists. In the first list, understand and write down your most important goal

or agenda in this life. Then meticulously add all the other goals that you

would like to achieve, while you make this list, you shouldn‟t think only

about yourself. Include what you would like to contribute to the welfare of

your dependents, children and their forthcoming generations.

4. Once you complete this, set it aside and begin the second list. List all your

desires here. They may be big or small, important or insignificant, right or

wrong, demonic or divine. Just remove the lid on the Pandora‟s Box and

allow them all to spill out freely. Don‟t try to censor or edit the list of

desires at this stage. Complete the list first. After you have made an

exhaustive list, go over it to see which of these desires are truly necessary,

conducive to your meditation, helpful and favourable to you and beneficial

to others.

5. If you have been serious and honest in doing this exercise, you will have

long lists of goals and desires and many of them may be selfish or

detrimental to your goal of meditation, visualisation, self-realisation, peace,

happiness and bliss. This exercise will help you develop frankness and

honesty with yourself. You will touch your true feelings and bring many of

your hidden ambitions and desires into the open.​



Answered by prajwalchaudhari


home and family as many of us think. It is the ability to let go of all the

desires, habits, emotions, thoughts, speech and behaviour patterns that

are negative or detrimental to our well-being in any way. Detachment and

discrimination are interdependent; they mutually strengthen each other

and empower us. The more we are able to discriminate, the more we able to

segregate our harmful desires and discard them. The more mental trash we

discard this way, the more we empower our faculty of discrimination.

Answered by syed2020ashaels


home and family as many of us think. It is the ability to let go of all the

desires, habits, emotions, thoughts, speech and behaviour patterns that

are negative or detrimental to our well-being in any way.


home and family as many of us think. It is the ability to let go of all the

desires, habits, emotions, thoughts, speech and behaviour patterns that

are negative or detrimental to our well-being in any way. Detachment and discrimination are interdependent; they mutually strengthen each other and empower us. The more we are able to discriminate, the more we able to segregate our harmful desires and discard them. The more mental trash we discard this way, the more we empower our faculty of discrimination

What is separation?

There are several ways to think about separation.

This can mean avoiding certain people or situations that cause you stress or anxiety, which can sometimes lead to "emotional numbing" or deadening of emotions.

Or it may mean building and maintaining boundaries to preserve your mental health. By setting clear boundaries in your relationships, you can avoid the feelings of stress, anger, resentment, and disappointment that often build up when boundaries are pushed or ignored.

Now that you have a better idea of ​​what emotional detachment is, it's also good to understand what detachment is not.

It does not mean that you are incapable of feeling or that you lack emotion, nor does it mean that you lack empathy. While emotional detachment can be a symptom of depression, voluntary detachment is not a sign that you have depression.

Rather, it's about building healthy boundaries to clarify your expectations and figure out what behaviors are comfortable for you and what aren't.

While some people consider voluntary detachment to be "rude" or "callous," it is rarely a person's intention to detach from a relationship.



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