details of rhizopus
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Rhizopus fungi are characterized by a body of branching mycelia composed of three types of hyphae: stolons, rhizoids, and usually unbranching sporangiophores. The black sporangia at the tips of the sporangiophores are rounded and produce numerous nonmotile multinucleate spores for asexual reproduction.
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Some characteristics of rhizopus include :
- They are commonly called as bread mould.
- They grow on dead organic matter, stale bread, pickles, vegetables, etc.
- It is actually a cottony mass of thread like structures which we call as hyphae.
- A group of hyphae is called mycelium.
- Later on, the fungus become black due to developing zygospores.
- The nodes of hyphae arise uowards, which are called sporangiophores.
- These sporangiophores produce spores 3hicb are of black colour.
- These black coloured spores are swollen structures and are called callumella.
- They reproduce by fragmentation, sexual and asecual methods.
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