Determination of hardness of water by edta method calculations
s Bruno was not feeling happy after getting separated from its foster family and was getting ... But his wife could not bear his separation.
1. Standardization of EDTA
M1V1 = M2V2
Where, M1 = Molarity of standard hard water
V1 = Volume of standard hard water in conical flask
M2 = Molarity of EDTA
V2 = Volume of EDTA consumed (burette reading)
2. Determination of Total hardness
M2V2 = M3V3
Where, M3 = Total hardness of sample water
V1 = Volume of sample hard water in conical flask
3. Determination of Permanent hardness
M2V2 = M4V4
Where, M4= Permanent hardness of sample water
V4 = Volume of sample hard water in conical flask
Note: Multiply M3 and M4 with 105
to covert hardness into parts per million (ppm).
4. Determination of Temporary hardness
Temporary hardness = Total hardness – Permanent hardness
Hope it helps u
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