Determine the potential window of stability of pure water depict the stability window with proper potential diagram
The concept of a "window" is arbitrary, informal and not basic. It varies with the nature of both the electrode and the solvent/electrolyte composition. Most important is that the current scale also matters. Thus the "background current range" will look better (wider) at very low current gain (mA) and look much smaller at high current gain (nA). In the same manner, with a reacting species at 1 mM concentration this window will be different than at 1 uM concentration where the signal will be much smaller compared to the background current which will remain the same. The concept is useful to discuss the merits of various solutions and electrodes ("glassy carbon has a greater window for oxidations in water and mercury has a greater window fro reductions in aqueous deoxygenated solutions").
Electrochemical reactions occur throughout the "window" but the RATE of these reactions depends on potential in an exponential manner. This is true both for the background solvent and for reacting substances of interest.