Economy, asked by jphilip1503, 2 months ago

Determine the statement that best describes the role of the Federal Reserve District banks.(1 point)

The district banks overlook the commercial banking industry and implement the policies from the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee
The district banks overlook the commercial banking industry and implement the policies from the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee

The district banks oversee the Board of Governors, set the target federal funds rate, and overlook the commercial banking industry.
The district banks oversee the Board of Governors, set the target federal funds rate, and overlook the commercial banking industry.

The district banks set the discount rate for lending between banks and oversee open market operations.
The district banks set the discount rate for lending between banks and oversee open market operations.

The district banks direct monetary policy, influencing the policies set by the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee.


Answered by Priyadarshini0120


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Answered by Rozez

Answer:Who appoints the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve?

.the president

Which term could also be used to call the Federal Reserve?

.Bankers Bank

How does the role of the Board of Governors compare to the role of the Federal Open Market Committee?

.The Board of Governors direct monetary policy and set the discount rate while the Federal Open Market Committee oversees open market operations and sets the target federal funds rate.

Determine the statement that best describes the role of the Federal Reserve District banks.

.The district banks overlook the commercial banking industry and implement the policies from the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee

What methods could the Federal Reserve use to stabilize the economy?

.The Federal Reserve provides loans to banks that cannot obtain loans to prevent shortages in cash.


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