develop a dialogue between your doctor and on how to maintain good health and hygiene
P:S: You are John.
John: Hi, doctor.
Doctor: Hi, John.
John: Doctor, I had fallen sick for a few days. Could you help me?
Doctor: That's terrible! Tell me, John, do you wash your hands before
consuming your meals?
John: No, doctor.
Doctor: Well, John, you should always wash your hands before consuming your meals because it might be dirty!
John: Oh no! Gee, that's horrible! Oh, I heard that there must be microorganisms on my hands.
Doctor: Yes, it will then pass on to the food. That's why your hands must be washed with soap.
John: What else, doctor?
Doctor: Do also cut your nails and brush your teeth often.
John: Are you telling that hygiene is important?
Doctor: Yes! Hygiene is really important. Oh, John, please remember to drink boiled water!
John: Okay, doctor.
Doctor: Do you practice a healthy lifestyle?
John: Why should I even do that? I only consume food and mind my business.
Doctor: Ha ah! The food that you consume must be according to the food pyramid! Otherwise, you will get diseases like diabetes or obesity.
John: No wonder my friend is and obese! Doctor, could we help him?
Doctor: That is why we should exercise regularly.
John: Wow! I do have really gained lots of knowledge by you, doctor. Thank you, doctor. I think I should now put more priorities on health and hygiene.
Doctor: That is right! You are welcome. Oh yes, John! Let me give you some medication since you are sick.
John: Thanks a lot doctor.
Doctor: It's my pleasure.