develop a story ending.... now I realised in school that nobody is is perfect
A lesson learnt
It was the last day before the summer vacation and we were given a task in groups in the science class. The groups were made randomly and I was placed with the back benchers of our class.
I was always a sincere student and became quite tensed. I thought that I would have to do the entire project on my own. I was also made the team leader and we started the work in full swing.
I gathered all information and allotted work to each of the members. They looked up to me and hoped that I would make a wonderful project and so had full faith on me.
On the day of submission, I was surprised when the teacher pointed out my mistake and said that the entire project was wrong. I didn't know where it went wrong but on further inspection, I found that I misplaced the notes and used a different data.
I was heartbroken and had to redo the entire project. I decided to take it on my shoulders and promised to give my best. However, I learnt a big lesson.Now I realised in school that nobody is perfect.
story based on real experience...