English, asked by sumitsaha6691, 1 year ago

Develop a story:- it was the festival of spring. One little boy ran as his father called out to him. He had lagged behind as he was fascinated by the toys in the shop. He hurried towards his parents but suddenly--------------


Answered by prachiSayani
the kind beggar

he found himself lost in huge crowd he was all alone with no one beside. He was shocked and worried.
he enquired about his parents in some shops but his description wasn't precise so one could help.
alas! a man came he seemed suspicious and asked boy with sugar coated words ,"My dear little boy what makes you worry here? let me hear!". boy just excused the person and ran out from him.
he was sobbing bitterly. he saw a temple and sat down outside. there an old and ragged beggar came towards and asked why he was crying after knowing the reason he said, " have faith in God he is almighty many mighty problems are solved by him". "Son stop crying be brave and worship God and there's lost child department just tell them your problem".

as soon as he entered temple he saw his parents he was overjoyed to see them. his parents were relieved.

he was about to leave but he wanted to thank beggar but he didn't found him. he understood it was God in skin of beggar.

moral: you cannot see God but his kindness is present in people around us.
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