Develop a story on the topic, " Pride Comes Before a Fall'. Don't see from google.
Here r a few pts for your reference.... Hope it helpz..
* meaning of proverb: if you are excessively proud and overconfident, you will eventually make serious mistakes
* overconfidence is the biggest weakness of humans
* one should never feel too proud about his potential
* underestimating others would turn out to be unfavourable for you
* knowing your potential is fine but there is no point in unnecessarily boasting about it
* “He who considers himself too much will perform a little!” - Schiller.
* When a man becomes proud, his mind closes the door of respect to others.
It is true that pride goes before a fall and this is well depicted through the central theme of the poem Ozymandias.
In the poem, the king is a very proud person and this is seen in his thoughts and actions.
He assumes that his positions, power and status travel with him, even after his death.
However, time is a powerful weapon portrayed in the poem, which has the power to tear down the fame and pride of any person.
The sculptor is used in the poem to show how, at the point of death, the sculptor and the king are at an equal level.
The fame that the king gained was a temporary phase, before his great and final fall.
The pride of the king failed to impress upon him the wisdom that death with destroy him as well as the statue erected by him.
Thus, the poem teaches us that 'pride goes before a fall'.
Pride Comes Before a Fall
Once upon a time, there was a peacock that was enjoying the pleasant weather in a forest. Flying happily, he reached across the river. Suddenly, a God - like lady emerged from the river and asked the peacock to ask for a boon.
The peackock was surprised,as he thought of the purpose for this blessing, Yet, the peacock said that he wanted to be an eagle. However, the lady wanted him to get converted into a human being so that he could explain to humans the plights of the bird and also teach tem a good lesson. But the peacock got transformed into an eagle. He looked at himself and excitedly made a loud cry like a peoud eagle. He took his first flight and went straight up over the clouds. As soon as he reached a good height, he was hit by a bullet and came crashing down to the ground, eventually dying an unfortunate death. The lady emerged again, restored life to him and converted him to a peacock. She further asked him to be satisfied in life.
The peacock learned his lesson and was relieved to be back to his former self.