develop aset of guiding principle for tourists
1. Educate on guiding principles.
As with prior components, start the discussion of guiding principles by educating your team on what guiding principles are and the specific format used.
2. Identify the behaviors you want.
After introducing the guiding principles concept, provide a scenario in which your team members visualize someone in the organization who exemplifies the organization’s values and culture. Have your team members identify the behaviors that make that person exemplary.
3. Identify the behaviors you don’t want.
Once you’ve identified the behaviors that you want, the next step is to identify the behaviors you don’t want. Describe a scenario in which team members are orienting a new hire. Ask them to indicate what behaviors they would tell the new hire aren’t tolerated, aren’t liked, aren’t acceptable, and might even get the new hire fired.
4. Identify the values.
With both key characteristics and intolerable behaviors listed, have your team group these into logical categories. These categories typically represent the values of the organization and serve as the starting point for your guiding principles.
5. Draft the guiding principles.
To draft the guiding principles, take each of the value categories and create guiding principles, using the “We believe (value)… Therefore, we will… (behaviors)” format as a template. To conserve time, you might do the first guiding principle as an entire group and then use breakout groups to create the remainder of them.
6. Perform a quality check.
To ensure the quality of the guiding principles, use the quality check process that follows.
7. Develop the transformation plan.
The final step in the guiding principles process is to determine the strategies you and your team will use to transform the guiding principles from paper to action. Start by reviewing strategies that other organizations have used. Then, have your team brainstorm strategies that could be used, and then select the strategies that you’ll use.