Develop the following into a readable story in about 120 words .
When Rosy Grover opened the gate of her cupboard, she could not stop herself from picking up the photo album. She sat on the sofa and opened the album. Now she found herself transported to her favorite world of past and saw.
➤ Story Writing
One day while opening the gate of her cupboard suddenly Rosy picked up the photo album which contained a series of photos of a mother as a sweet child. It gave Her an immense Joy on seeing her mother sitting in the company of her parents and her maternal uncle's and aunts.
There costumes and style of standing fascinated her deeply. She was wonderstruck to see the pictures of her Grand mother and her mother playing joyously Rosy enjoy a lot to through her mother's past and experiencing the wonderful memories of a childhood and youth She was completely devolved deep in the world of photographs She noticed her typical house and the Myraid designs on the Walls and the doors.
Rosy realised as if she were in her Granny's house she started looming in the past era of astonishment and Charm.In the evening Rosy again open the album to retreat in the past and compare it with the present.She shared a brief discussion with her respected mother and thanked God for providing her an opportunity to be in the company of her old
Structure/Format of a Story
- Beginning: The beginning or the introduction of a story is of essential importance.
- Character Introduction: Your story will depend heavily on how well you write your characters. ...
- Plot: Here is where the actual narration of the story will happen.