Social Sciences, asked by armaan136, 10 months ago

Development of a country can generally be determined by usi
ca per a come
hveralteracy level
(c) health status of people
(d) none of these
different persone could bave different as well as conflicting notions of a country's
development A fair and just path for all should be achieved. Interpret the concept being
scunnel here.
(a) sodal development
(o) National development
Cultural development
(1) Economic development
3. Concies with higher income are
than others with less income.
ra) Less developed
(c) Leys stronger
1) More developed
(d) More orkanized
1. Total meome or the country divided by its total population is known as:
ral Capital income
(c) Per capita income
(1) National Income
(d) GDP
5. Proportion orliterate population in the 7 and above age group is called as:
ta) knowledge rate
(c) Attendance rate
(h) literacy rate
(d) Excellence Rate
o. Which age group of children is included for calculating Net Attendance Ratio?
(a) o 10
(c) 5-9
(b) 11
(d) 14-15
7. For calculating Body Mass Index (BMI), weight of the person is divided by the:
(a) Square of the weight
(c) Square root of the height
(b) Square of the belght
(d) Square of the sum of height and welght
8. Ir BMI is less than 10.5 then the person would be considered:
(a) over weight
(c) under nourished
(b) long height
(d) short height
9. What proportion of the country is over using their groundwater reserves?
(a) One-Fourth
(c) One-Third
(b) One-Tenth
(d) hall
10. Resources which will get exhausted after years of use are:
(a) Renewable resources
(c) Non-renewable resources
(b) Non-durable resources
(d) Competing resources
11. What will be the top priority in the developmental goal of a landless labourer?
(a) Expansion of rural banking
(c) Metal roads for transportation
(b) More days of work and better wages
(d). Establishment of a high school
12. What will be the aspiration of an educated urban unemployed youth?
(a) An educated urban unemployed youth will aspire for better opportunities in agriculture.
(b) Support from government at every step in life for his upward movement.
(c) An urban educated unemployed will aspire for good job opportunities where his education
can be made use of.
(d) Better facilities of recreation for his leisure time.​


Answered by aradhanatiwari9795


1. Per capita income

2.litracy rate

3. More developed


5. Renewable resources

6.More days of work and better wages

7. An urban educated unemployed will aspire for good job opportunities where his education

can be made use of.

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