Development of presidency towns in India during the British rule
Presidency were oldest form of administration in british .
The British Raj began with the idea of the Presidencies as the centres of government. Until 1834, when a General Legislative Council was formed, each Presidency under its Governor and Council was empowered to enact a code of so-called 'Regulations' for its government. Therefore any territory or province that was added by conquest or treaty to a presidency came under the existing regulations of the corresponding presidency. However, in the case of provinces that were acquired but were not annexed to any of the three Presidencies, their official staff could be provided as the Governor-General pleased, and was not governed by the existing regulations of the Bengal, Madras, or Bombay Presidencies. Such provinces became known as 'Non-Regulation Provinces' and up to 1833 no provision existed for a legislative power existed in such places.
Province Means:
area where governor general have more authority mostly ruled by governor or Lt Governor with less power compared to above.
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For this you need to understand the divisions of administrative territorial units during British raj.
The entire Indian empire was divided into two parts( post 1857)
First, ruled by Indian Princes known as “ Native States” or Princely States which numbered roughly around 600 states. This was under various treaties and alliances by which British used to administer them indirectly.
Second, was the part which directly came under British govt. Known as “ British India” which had three Important “Presidencies” Bombay , Madras and Bengal ruled by British appointed Governors ( though their status changed from time to time nevertheless, Bengal remained the most important Presidency )
Among these three presidencies Bengal Presidency was the seat of the British Govt. These territories were made Presidencies because these were the earliest settlements of the British East India Company.
Hi Miss/Mrs Archana, I’m really glad you requested this answer from me.
I’m summing up 10 page explanation into 4–5 lines brief so that you can understand it easily…..
Presidency during British Rule:- During the ‘Company Rule in India(1757–1858), the company acquired sovereignty over large parts of India, which came to be known as “Presidencies.” However, these presidencies also increasingly came under British government oversight, in effect sharing sovereignty with the Crown.
By the mid-18th century, three "Presidency towns": Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta had grown in size.
Provinces during British Rule:- Provinces were British territories completely under British control.
Unwieldy presidencies were broken up into "Provinces”.
During British Rule, about 60% of the Indian sub-continent's territory were Provinces
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I hope my answer was helpful for you.
Thank You :)
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Broadly, Presidency or Provinces were same thing, i.e. areas governed by British.However, Presidency was the seat of power from where Governor or Lt. Governor of British Company i.e. East India Company or British Govt. was residing and appointing his own staff for administration. When British came to India in 1604, they got some trading concessions from Mogul Emperor Jahangir and established their seat at Hoogly, afterwards they moved to Calcutta after defeating a weak Nawab Sirajuddola of Bengal in a flimsy fight by Lord Clive. Lord Clive begun ruling that area and it was under British protection. It was called Calcutta Presidency. Later on British expended to Madras Presidency, Bombay Presidency etc. On 1834 they made a legislative council and these Presidencies were properly established from administration, trading and expansion of Company Raj point of view.
Lateron the areas annexed or won after fight or treaty came under the concerned Presidency, was ruled by the Governor or Lt. Governor of that Presidency.
The said area ruled directly by British India Govwrnors called Provinces. Where he could direct recruit employees for the Government.
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So far my knowledge goes -
Presidency means an area directly administred by East India Company / British Government.Example : Madras presidency.
Province means an area of small principalities combined into one. Ex: Central provinces. Here the area was ruled by native Kings / zamindars, who in turn, were under the control of the British.
The presidency towns in India developed by Britishers to govern the places.
- Presidency towns were the central part of British governance in India.
- By establishing presidencies in different regions in India, they controlled the governance by maintaining law and orders.
- During the mid-18th century, presidency towns established, which included Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay.
- Presidencies were the main centers of economic activities and trades.
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What were the presidency towns?