English, asked by russwestgod08, 1 month ago

Devouring, Process, Digesting, Absorbing, Consumed

These words all relate to eating and taking in nutrients, but also apply to the way we take in information.

For example: the same person who is devouring a plate of scrambled eggs in the morning could be later devouring an article about why people should limit the number of eggs they eat each week.

1: How does the concept vocabulary shapen the reader's understanding of the bloggers attitude toward technology?

2: What other words in the selection connect to this concept?


Answered by dhammajyothivoja27


Here is the answer for your question:

Digestion: stomach.

In the stomach, food undergoes chemical and mechanical digestion. Here, peristaltic contractions (mechanical digestion) churn the bolus, which mixes with strong digestive juices that the stomach lining cells secrete (chemical digestion). The stomach walls contain three layers of smooth muscle arranged in longitudinal, circular, and oblique (diagonal) rows. These muscles allow the stomach to squeeze and churn the food during mechanical digestion.Powerful hydrochloric acid in the stomach helps break down the bolus into a liquid called chyme. A thick mucus layer that lines the stomach walls prevents the stomach from digesting itself. When mucus is limited, an ulcer (erosion of tissue) may form.Food is digested in the stomach for several hours. During this time, a stomach enzyme called pepsin breaks down most of the protein in the food. Next, the chyme is slowly transported from the pylorus (end portion of the stomach) through a sphincter and into the small intestine where further digestion and nutrient absorption occurs.


Hope it's helpful to you .

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